

Michelle Eggink, Assistant Director of Content Marketing & 通信
CURSCA的学生. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

April 23, 2024 — This year, the largest and most diverse number of projects were presented at CURSCA, the annual Celebration of 本科研究, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. With over 100 undergraduate projects of scholarly and creative work, students and their faculty mentors are diving into important issues across all majors and schools of study.


In an event that began as a simple poster display of science projects back in 2002, CURSCA has since grown into a multifaceted and high-impact forum for students to share their work with the Marist community. The student-faculty research projects are an example of the wide variety of experiential learning opportunities Marist offers that contribute to graduates’ success.

学生们现在以海报的形式展示他们的作品, 演讲, 示威活动, 和表演.


萨曼莎·查德威克,25岁,来自管理学院, did her presentation on human trafficking labor participation structures and noted on the importance of students at CURSCA presenting what they are interested in.

“I think it’s important to share your passions with other people because that’s how we grow as a society,萨曼莎说。. “There are people in here who are presenting things that I would have never known about. I think it’s great that we can all share together and bring what we are interested in to others who want to grow their knowledge.”

利亚姆·麦克格林,25岁,来自社会学院 & Behavioral 科学s presented a case study on the initial composition and values of the Hudson Valley Clubhouse, a new non-clinical organization that serves individuals with severe mental illness.

“I think that the CURSCA presentation is really good because it mimics what I will do with my psychology major, 例如处理数据并将其呈现给同行,利亚姆说。. “Cross-disciplinary communications is really useful in the field of academia, 对简历有帮助吗, 这对我个人来说也是一种很酷的体验.”

Jazmin Khraishi, 26岁, 从文科学院毕业, 介绍了女权运动, “暴动女孩”, 还有看不见的女权主义者的工作.

“在CURSCA上展示对我来说非常重要, 尤其是作为一个女权主义者和未来的教师,贾兹敏说。. “Being able to present about something that’s not talked about enough and that I’m passionate about is very meaningful to me.”

Blair Nackley '24 from the School of 传播与艺术, presented on the American reception of Japanese animation and spoke about her personal connection to the project.

“It’s meaningful for me to present my work at CURSCA because I’ve always been into Japanese anime and was able to study abroad in Japan through Marist last year,布莱尔说. “I want to go into film so I found it really cool to research a film that touches on topics of environmentalism, 欧洲中心主义, 以及美国人对外国电影的看法.”

计算机科学学院27岁的Andrew Lombardo & 数学, researched the novel causes of sleeping disorders in young adults using Stanford Technology Analytics and Genomics in Sleep Dataset. He spoke about how it was great to be able to conduct research, especially as a first-year.

“It's been a lot of work, but it's been 100% worth it,” said Andrew.

Korey Weiss '24 from the School of 科学 presented about the impact of ecosystem fragmentation on wildlife activity and distribution along the Fall Kill Watershed and why his work helps the local community.

“Our research can be helpful for both the town of Poughkeepsie and Hyde Park management plans to help human health and prevent the spread of E-Coli.”


教师 mentors and an entire CURSCA committee help support students through the research and presentation processes.

"教师 mentors play a crucial role in mentoring undergraduate research and creative projects,”医生说。. Juris Pupcenoks, Associate Professor of Political 科学 & CURSCA委员会成员. “这样的项目可以让我们的学生掌握新的技能, 将知识转化为行动, 并获得作为年轻专业人士的信心."

“本科 research is at the heart of how we teach and mentor our students – we want them to search out new ideas, 以意想不到的方式运用它们, 并产生创新的创意项目,”医生说。. 詹姆斯·斯奈德, 学术事务主任, who oversees funding for student research in the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs. “The range of projects was especially impressive this year, which also speaks to the breadth and vitality of undergraduate research at Marist.”


Tadd Bindas '19 speaking to CURSCA presenters in Fusco Hall. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

The keynote speaker of CURSCA was Tadd Bindas '19, a Ph.D. 土木工程候选人. Tadd, a former computer science and mathematics major and CURSCA presenter himself, spoke about the professional skills gained from presenting at CURSCA and how it helped him in his career.

“Being able to articulate all of your hard work about a topic others don’t know about is a rare and valuable skill,他说. “我给学生们的建议是要保持好奇心, 永远对其他想法持开放态度, 在CURSCA期间练习你的沟通技巧, 享受这段旅程.”
