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灵感来自圣马塞兰香槟和bet亚洲365欢迎投注兄弟的作品, 保尔森把改善受教育的机会作为他一生的使命.

12岁的安德鲁·保尔森(安德鲁Paulsen)亲眼目睹了教育的变革力量, 他的使命是确保美国的每个孩子都能接受高质量的教育.  他具有专门知识, 拥有哥伦比亚大学和西顿霍尔大学的硕士学位, 富布赖特杰出教学奖, 在纽瓦克有六年的教学经验, 新泽西州公立学校.  Paulsen目前是Agile Mind, Inc .的高级顾问., a firm that has pioneered the application of emerging technologies to transform the teaching and learning of mathematics and science in middle and high schools throughout the country.  他最近开始在范德比尔特大学攻读博士学位.  保尔森的目标毫不掩饰地崇高:在大范围内影响教育变革.


bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学是保尔森第一次磨练领导才能的地方.  他第一次来的时候就爱上了这个校园, he thought the College would be an ideal fit because of his interest in broadcast journalism and sports communication.  直到后来,他才增加了数学专业, 心理学小, 以及青少年教育证书.  保尔森说:“通过实践经验,玛丽斯特教会了我所需的领导技能.  The experiences I gained as a Resident Assistant and as a club leader helped me develop skills that I have used my entire professional life, 包括支持我们社区中最弱势群体的重要性, 对等的责任, 解决冲突, 建立人际关系, 歧义容忍.”

保尔森大三快结束的时候, 他被选为学生会主席, 他的领导力训练是在哪里加强的.  作为校董会的学生代表, 他有机会观察机构治理,并与名誉校长丹尼斯·穆雷一起工作.  他还遇到了理事兄弟Seán萨蒙70, 玛丽斯特兄弟的前全球负责人, 在董事会会议上, 他很快就成为了我的导师.  “我非常感谢ssaman兄弟多年来给我的所有支持和建议, 我感激地称他为亲密的朋友.2012年秋天,保尔森有幸观察到了布朗博士. 当bet亚洲365欢迎投注被飓风桑迪袭击时,穆雷的领导是第一手的, 这场风暴对东北部的影响尤为严重.  “我记得那个医生. 穆雷立即召开内阁紧急会议, 我发现他能够倾听每个人的担忧,并如此有效地授权,这一点非常了不起.  我的工作是和他一起在校园里与学生交谈,回答他们的问题.  Dr. 穆雷向我展示了什么是危机沟通,以及仆人式领导的力量.”

保尔森在玛丽斯特大学三年级期间发生的一系列事件激发了他对教育的热情.  在秋季学期, one of his education classes included books and documentaries showcasing the extreme educational inequality throughout the country.  然后, 在他的春季学期, Paulsen was placed at Poughkeepsie High School to complete his field work to be eligible to student teach the following year.  他回忆说, “读到教育不平等是一回事, 但亲身体验又是另一回事.  我很快就被我们的教育系统迷住了, 那个夏天,我读了我能找到的每一本书,看了每一部纪录片,想要更多地了解它.  在我大四开始之前, I knew that I wanted to apply for Teach 为 America to help dismantle the vicious cycles of oppression that have permeated our society for generations.”


成立于1989年, Teach 为 America (TFA) is a nonprofit that recruits outstanding and diverse leaders to teach for two years in a low-income community, 他们在哪里体验到为有风险的孩子扩大机会的挑战和乐趣.  保尔森被安排在东区高中, 纽瓦克最大的综合高中, 正如他所记得的那样, “Teaching math in the Newark Public 学校 for six years was truly the most transformational experience of my entire life.  在很多方面,我天生就是当老师的料.  从我记事起, 我热爱学校,把教育视为人生最珍贵的礼物之一. 在教室前面, 我觉得我还活着, and I take my role as an educator seriously because I fundamentally believe that I am teaching the future leaders of our world.” 

保尔森亲眼目睹了人们的高期望, 范例教学法, and a tremendous amount of caring can accomplish: his students consistently outperformed their peers on the rigorous PARCC standardized exam.  In 2016, Paulsen’s students had the highest student passing rate in the entire Newark Public 学校 for high school math teachers, and he taught the only three geometry students in the entire district who scored in the ‘exceeded expectations’ range.  In 2017, 他的学生在代数II PARCC考试中表现出大学准备的学生比例更高, 保尔森是东区唯一一位学生得分“超出预期”的数学老师.  2018年,他的代数I课得了67分.9%的通过率,比州平均水平高出20多个百分点.  为了表彰他的努力, 保尔森被评为东区高中年度最佳教师, 获TFA校友卓越教学奖, 是菲什曼最佳课堂实践奖的全国决赛选手, 并得到了纽瓦克教师工会的认可.  他还抽出时间为社区服务, teaching adjudicated adults incarcerated in correctional facilities through the Petey Green Program and serving as the academic coordinator for Hockey in New Jersey, 这是一个隶属于国家冰球联盟“曲棍球属于每个人”倡议的非营利组织.

似乎这一切还不够,保尔森在教学期间获得了两个硕士学位.  他的硕士学位是教育领导, 管理, and Policy from Seton Hall University and his EdM in Public School 领导 from Columbia University both served to broaden his awareness of the systemic issues plaguing the American education system.  事实上, his graduate work helped Paulsen develop several innovative and effective approaches to teaching mathematics to culturally diverse secondary school students in urban settings.  回顾, 他说, “My graduate studies stretched my thinking and introduced me to like-minded peers who share my belief that every student should have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.” 

保尔森深受他在纽瓦克遇到的学生和他们难以置信的韧性的影响.  他记得他在大一和大二期间教过一个没有父亲的学生.  保尔森把他置于自己的羽翼之下,认识了他的家人,并钦佩他永不放弃的精神.  那个学生最近被华盛顿大学录取了. 路易.  另一个打动他的学生是来自巴西的非法移民.  他也是从小没有父亲的.  大四的时候, 他的母亲被驱逐出境, 在学校为他提供短期住房之前,这名学生无家可归了一段时间.  Paulsen说, “我以前的学生确实是我认识的一些最鼓舞人心的人, and they have shown the world that all students can have the opportunity to succeed with robust mentorship and support.保尔森的这位来自巴西的学生现在是宾夕法尼亚州斯沃斯莫尔学院的大二学生.

保尔森在圣马塞兰香槟身上找到了灵感和榜样, 玛丽斯特兄弟的创始人和教育的守护神.  “bet亚洲365欢迎投注兄弟教会教育那些最脆弱、最无助的人,为他们提供机会.  尚巴纳是个了不起的人,我试着模仿我想象中的他会做的事.“这么说是公平的, 对于Paulsen, being an educator is no longer a career; it is truly a calling.  Paulsen说, “虽然我永远不能说教学很容易, 我可以毫不犹豫地说,我爱它的每一秒.  My experiences both inside and outside of the classroom during my six years in Newark confirmed my belief in the untapped potential of all of our students.  I believe that we can and must do a better job educating all children if we are serious about moving our world forward.”


在纽瓦克教了几年书之后, 保尔森对学习不同文化的兴趣与日俱增.  He took every opportunity he could to travel abroad and quickly realized that his interest was much more than tourism; he truly wanted to experience other countries and get to know their culture and customs.  到目前为止,保尔森已经访问了世界上几十个国家.  他指出, “在一个日益变化和全球联系日益紧密的世界里, 我们每个人在促进跨文化交流中必须发挥的重要作用变得更加明显.  我们还能如何实现更美好的明天?  如果我们能学会彼此倾听, 欣赏在不同文化中发现的财富, 并培养一种更强烈的感觉,即人们可以通过许多不同的镜头来看待生活——美国参议员J. William Fulbright referred to as ‘mutual understanding’ – we might just start to care for one another in unprecedented ways.”

记住这一点, Paulsen applied for a Fulbright grant in order to contribute to the late Senator’s vision of creating a world with more knowledge and less conflict.  在富布赖特任职期间, 他曾住在台湾,并访问了亚洲各地的学校,为美国教育机构进行研究.S. 国务院.  保尔森还访问了韩国的bet亚洲365欢迎投注兄弟和bet亚洲365欢迎投注在金边开办的拉瓦拉学校, 柬埔寨.  His research sought creative ways to implement best practices derived from eastern pedagogical approaches to traditionally under-resourced educators teaching in urban secondary schools throughout the US.  这段经历对保尔森来说意义重大.  “在国外的一年里,我没有一天不努力提升我国的‘软实力’.  作为美国的文化大使, I was invited to meet Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, 你采访了台湾外交部长吴钊燮吗, 并向美国负责教育和文化事务的助理国务卿玛丽·罗伊斯作了介绍.  在日常生活中, 我有机会与以前从未见过美国人的普通人交流.”  (A video produced by Fulbright Taiwan in which Paulsen discusses his experiences can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = HZFUeZRloyo.)

回到美国, Paulsen开始使用Agile Mind, 哪个机构为全国的学校提供课程支持, 教育技术, 专业服务.  “在这项工作中, I look to empower leaders and teachers throughout the country to revolutionize their thinking about what is possible in their school.“仅在一月份, 保尔森访问了七个州的学校, 增加了他对K-12教育问题的广泛而深刻的理解.  从不满足于自己的荣誉, he recently began a Doctor of Education program in 领导 and Learning in Organizations at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College.  Paulsen说, “My hope is that the EdD program will provide me with a learning community that will push my thinking while also providing me with the skills needed to become a transformative school leader.  每所学校都有很多有能力的学生, 但有太多的人从未有机会充分发挥自己的潜力.  我想改变这一点.”

Paulsen’s long-term dream is to serve on a leadership team working to end the systematic inequalities that have plagued the nation’s schools for decades.  在他看来,领导者有责任“让那些没有发言权的人发出自己的声音”.“马斯, 他的长期导师, has full confidence that Paulsen will indeed change the world: “Andrew has taken to heart Marcellin Champagnat’s belief that ‘to teach young people you must love them first, 并平等地爱他们.’  He not only has a gift for teaching but also a passion for this vocation and a desire to see his students reach their potential.  特别是, 他关注那些可能感到被边缘化或正在处理个人或家庭问题的孩子.  我希望他能继续努力改变我们的世界,一次一个学生.”
